Liz Helena F. Coelho
Senior R&D Engineer
Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS)
NTNU Social Research
Mobile phone: +47 452 36 087
Selected projects
- Water management in Space –examples of hydration systems for cultivation in microgravity and future prospects. Academic literature review, 2018.
- Water management in Space – monitoring of plant water status in small and closed environments. Academic lecture, 2016.
- Integration and pre-experiment test flow of the Gravi2 experiment performed in the EMCS: from ground testing to space flight. Academic article, 2016.
- Sykdomskontroll og overvåkning av næringsløsningens sammensetning: Resirkulerende salatproduksjon. Article in business/trade/industry journal, 2016.
- Standardization of Experimental Design for Future Research Activities on Higher Plants in Space. Lecture, 2014.
- Changes in operational procedures to improve spaceflight experiments in plant biology in the European Modular Cultivation System. Academic article, 2014.
- Effects of the Extraterrestrial Environment on Plants: Recommendations for Future Space Experiments for the MELiSSA Higher Plant Compartment. Academic literature review, 2014.
- Plant mineral nutrition, gas exchange and photosynthesis in space: a review. Academic article, 2013.
- Planter i Verdensrommet. Popular scientific lecture, 2013.
- Human Space Flight - Training to ensure successful operations and safe performance in control rooms. Academic lecture, 2013.
- Simulation of Space Operation - A Study on Learning in Control Rooms. Academic chapter/article/Conference paper, 2013.
- EMCS - Operation of an ESA Payload in a NASA Rack. Academic lecture, 2012.