Ann-Iren Kittang Jost
Head of Department, PhD
Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS)
NTNU Social Research
Mobile phone: +47 928 80 298
Ann-Iren Kittang Jost holds a PhD within plant biology, emphasizing plant responses to Space conditions such as microgravity. She is currently head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS).
Research area
Kittang Jost has extensive experience with integration and operations of research on the International Space Station (ISS). She has lead and participated in several international projects, including coordination of the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation project TIME SCALE developing next generation plant cultivation systems for Space and Earth applications.
In 2019 she received the Spaceport Norway Award for her “work within manned spaceflight and life support systems, and for her contributions to the next steps towards the return to the Moon and the journey to Mars”.
Since 2020, Kittang Jost has been part of the European Space Science Committee (ESSC) and Life and Physical Sciences Panel (LPS).
She is inspired by the vison of human space travel and colonization of Moon and Mars, and the know-how and technology synergies between Space to Earth applications – through global cooperation, across academic disciplines and industry sectors.
- Growth and survival of bacterial pathogens in plant nutrient solutions based on human waste. Poster, 2023.
- From urine to food and oxygen: effects of high and low NH4+:NO3- ratio on lettuce cultivated in a gas-tight hydroponic facility. Academic article, 2023.
- Perspectives for plant biology in space and analogue environments. Academic article, 2023.
- Utilization of runoff nutrients from recirculating aquaculture systems for hydroponic crop cultivation. Academic article, 2021.
- Real-time monitoring of chemical water quality in closed-loop hydroponics. Academic article, 2020.
- Måneforskning kan effektivisere landbruket. Interview, 2020.
- Hydroponic nutrient solution monitoring for crop characterization. Academic lecture, 2020.
- Real-time monitoring of chemical water quality in closed-loop hydroponics. Academic lecture, 2019.
- Technology and innovation for development of modular equipment in scalable advanced life support systems for space explorations. Academic lecture, 2019.
- Highlights from the Horizon2020 project TIME SCALE. Lecture, 2019.
- Plant cultivation experiments for design and testing of TIME SCALE Crop Cultivation System breadboard. Academic lecture, 2018.
- Exploring plants as support-systems for the space missions of tomorrow. Interview Journal, 2018.
- Med planter til Månen og Mars - og tilbake igjen. Popular scientific lecture, 2018.
- Testing new concepts for crop cultivation in space: Effects of rooting volume and nitrogen availability. Academic article, 2018.
- Water management in Space –examples of hydration systems for cultivation in microgravity and future prospects. Academic literature review, 2018.
- Improved cultivation system for future life science experiments on ISS: Development of modular test-bed. Poster, 2016.
- Water management in Space – monitoring of plant water status in small and closed environments. Academic lecture, 2016.
- Closed loop hydroponics for a novel crop cultivation system on the EMCS rotor. Lecture, 2016.
- Plant health monitoring using multispectral imaging and volatile analysis for space and terrestrial applications. Poster, 2016.
- "Oppdrag: Vatne plantar i rommet". Popular scientific article, 2015.
- Planter i rommet. Article in business/trade/industry journal, 2015.
- "Slik overlever du på Mars". Programme participation, 2015.
- Hva skal til for å reise til mars? Intervju med Deutsche Welle Radio.. Programme participation, 2015.
- Hva skal til for å reise til Mars? Reportasje om CIRiS (N-USOK/Time Scale) Mars mission, NASA, Orion, Trondheim. Programme participation, 2015.
- Standardization of Experimental Design for Future Research Activities on Higher Plants in Space. Lecture, 2014.
- Exploration of plant growth and development using the European modular cultivation system facility on the international space station. Academic literature review, 2014.
- Effects of the Extraterrestrial Environment on Plants: Recommendations for Future Space Experiments for the MELiSSA Higher Plant Compartment. Academic literature review, 2014.
- Plant mineral nutrition, gas exchange and photosynthesis in space: a review. Academic article, 2013.
- Will Plants Grow on Moon or Mars?. Academic literature review, 2013.
- New knowledge and Technologies for Closed Cycle Hydroponics. Academic lecture, 2013.
- Adaptation response of Arabidopsis thaliana to random positioning. Academic article, 2013.
- The concept of Multigen-2 - A plant experiment prepared for the EMCS on the ISS. Academic lecture, 2012.
- Higher Plants in Closed Life Support Systems -Requirements for Future Research. Poster, 2011.
- Arabidopsis thaliana L. adaptation mechanisms to microgravity through the EMCS MULTIGEN-2 experiment on the ISS: The science of space experiment integration and adaptation to simulated microgravity. Doctoral dissertation, 2011.
- Prodex-Project : Multigen-2. Report, 2010.
- Ground testing of Arabidopsis preservation protocol for the microarray analysis to be used in the ISS EMCS Multigen-2 experiment. Academic article, 2010.
- Multigen-2 and 3. Status and preparatory work. Academic lecture, 2008.
- Multigen-1 Results/Status & CWRW collaboration. Academic lecture, 2008.
- MULTIGEN-1 Science Lessons Learned. Academic lecture, 2008.
- Preparatory experiments for long-term observation of Arabidopsis circumnutations in microgravity. Academic article, 2006.
- Security Management Plan, Issue 2. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Inc 13 Training and Certification Plan, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- Architecture Definition Document, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Inc 13 Configuration Document, Issue 2. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Inc 13 Implementation Plan, Issue 2. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC to EMCS Systems Support Interface Control Document, Issue 2. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Inc 13 Verification and Validation Plan, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Inc 13 Verification and Validation Report, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- EMCS Gravi-1 Integration Requirements Document, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- EMCS Gravi-1 Requirements Integration Plan, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- EMCS ERM – Gravi-1 STU Test Procedure – Observation and CO2-Concentration, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- EMCS ERM Multigen-1 Test Procedure – Reference Grid Observation, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- Gravi-1 Experiment Sequence Test Procedure, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- Gravi-1 Experiment Sequence Test Report, Issue 1. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Increment 14 Verification and Validation Plan. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Increment 14 Verification and Validation Report. Report, 2006.
- N-USOC Increment 14 Configuration Document. Report, 2006.
- The MULTIGEN experiment in the EMCS. Academic lecture, 2006.
- Status for MULTIGEN - A molecular and plant physiological analysis of the microgravity effects on multi-generation studies of Arabidopsis thaliana. Academic lecture, 2006.
- Sunnfjordingar i romfartsprosjekt. Popular scientific lecture, 2006.
- Testing the Experiment Reference Module (ERM) and Engeneering Module (EM) of the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) - Technical Note 4.2 (TN 4.2): EMCS FM Biocompatibility test results. Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC to Engineering Support Interface Control Document". Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC to GRAVI UHB Interface Control Document". Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC Monthly Progress Report - June 2005". Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC Monthly Progress Report - July 2005". Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC Monthly Progress Report - August 2005". Report, 2005.
- "N-USOC Monthly Progress Report - September-October 2005". Report, 2005.
- "EMCS ERM Functionality Test Results". Report, 2004.
- "EMCS EM Biocompatibility Test Results". Report, 2004.
- "EMCS ERM Biocompatibility Test Results". Report, 2004.
- Utilization of the European Modular Cultivation System Opportunities and Support Functions. Poster, 2004.
- Pre-flight tests of the MULTIGEN I experiment in the EMCS. Optimalisation of the experimental design and development of new hardware. Poster, 2004.
- Differentially expressed genes in Arabidopsis seedlings grown during various simulated gravity-forces using cDNA microarry technology. Report, 2003.
- . Testing of space hardware for plant growth experiments � results obtained through a laboratory ground study. Popular scientific lecture, 1999.
- Effect of a microgravity environment and influences of variations in gravity on the regeneration of rapeseed plant protoplasts flown on the S/MM-03 mission. Academic article, 1999.
- Utredning av Bt-toksiner i genmodifiserte planter. Report, 1999.
- Nøytralt kontroll-laboratorium på Kongsvinger. Report, 1999.
- Effect of a microgravity environment and influences of variations in grevity on the regeneration of rapeseed plant protoplasts flown on the S/MM-00 mission, ESA. Academic article, 1998.
- Bioskiva - for bedret planteproduksjon, miljø og kvalitet. Sluttrapport 1995-1997. Report, 1998.
- Immobilized protoplast under microgravity conditions. Preliminary results from S/MM-03 mission, Proc. 6th Symnp. Life Sci. in Space. Academic article, 1997.
- Curvatures of cress roots growing in weightlessness. Proc. 6th Europ. Symp. Life Sci. in Space. Academic article, 1996.
- Immobilized protoplasts under microgravity conditions : preliminary results from the S/MM-03 mission. Academic lecture, 1996.