Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS) is a department of NTNU Social Research, a non-profit research institute in Trondheim, Norway. CIRiS performs research and development for human spaceflight.

Over the last decade, biology in microgravity and remote operations on-board the International Space Station have constituted the core CIRiS activities, in close collaboration with the European Space Agency, NASA and associated partners.

Today, three strategic pillars make up the foundation of our research, development and innovation efforts:

Knowledge and well-functioning concepts and technologies for control room activities and safe and efficient cooperation between humans and systems are important success factors for both space missions and Earth applications. Research on integration and operations includes studies of communication and decision-making in control rooms, development of procedures for flight- and ground crew, optimization of test procedures, training and operational concepts. Read more …

For future human spaceflight, resource recycling and production of food, oxygen and water will be crucial for long-term missions. CIRiS is an active partner in several research and development projects aiming towards future bioregenerative life support systems. This activity has considerable synergy with Earth applications, for example for improved resource utilization within agriculture and other industries. Read more …

By building on extensive experience within life science and operations, CIRiS is now exploring innovative technologies for use under space conditions, including design, development and production of flight certified equipment for the International Space Station, as well as enabling technologies for life science applications beyond low Earth orbit. Read more …